ABF meets from 9:00–10:10 a.m. on Sundays and precedes our 10:30 a.m. worship service. 

Download the latest issue of our ABF Newsletter.
The Launch Class
(Greg & Tracy Rader and Jon Sikes)
The House, Room 202

We’re studying how to build a solid foundation for life based on the truth of God’s Word. Whether you are “launching” as a single young adult or as a nearly/newly married couple, join us as together we seek to strengthen our faith, our love, our hope and the spiritual disciplines that will be needed for a lifetime of walking with Christ.

(Jim & Sherry Jackson)
Room 312

“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” Psalm 127:1. This class is for young marrieds beginning their family and with toddler and preschool children. Although God is Sovereign in every area of our lives, He has given us responsibilities to carry out according to His plans. HomeBuilders’ aim is to understand and work with God as He unfolds His plans, building our lives, marriages and families.

(Phil Bruce, Jeff Plangman, & Zach West)
Room 420

This class is for adults (30s & 40s) with elementary aged children. We walk through the Bible together and challenge one another to be intentional in reaching out. We teach on a variety of topics from theology, expositional studies and church history to parenting and reaching the next generation. We do monthly fellowships—come join us! 

Next Steps
(Jermal Bridges & Marty Brown)
Room 407

Primarily for 40-somethings with pre-teen and teenage children. The Apostle Paul exhorted Christians that as they had been walking so as to please God, to “excel still more.” That thought will guide us as we search the Scriptures to continue the next steps in our walk with God personally, with our families, and in our work and church.

The Potter’s Clay
(Asir “Jeba” Jebaraj & Wil Glenn)
Room 415

Adults, young and old are welcome in this class. Genesis may be the book most familiar to Christians; children often begin their study with the first book of the Bible. Luke 24:27 states that Jesus, “beginning at Moses and all the prophets, expounded unto the two disciples the things concerning himself in all the Scriptures.” In our study in Genesis, we will search for the many obvious and subtle references and prophesies about Jesus. Join us and may the Holy Spirit open our eyes to see wonders in this ancient book.

Salt and Light
(Dennis McGee, Rich Smith,
& Chip McWilliams)
Room 401

All adults are welcome; most are 40++. We are walking through the Gospel of Luke in a video series with Alistair Begg. Come join us as God opens our eyes to the life and ministry of Jesus and its practical application to our lives today.

Hope from the Scriptures
(Rocky Hails, Greg Stiner, & David Carrico)
Room 416

Couples, singles, and adults of all seasons of life are welcome to join us for a study of 2 Samuel. Woven through this book centered on David’s reign, we see the themes of God’s provision and presence, His demand for obedience, and His covenant that is fulfilled in Jesus. We desire to be a group of folks who are “well-pleased to impart to you not only the Gospel of God, but our very lives also.”

Answering the Call
(Jonathan Dirrim, Ed Bedrosian, &
Tom Treat) Worship Center

All adults are welcome, whatever circumstance or season of life!  We are currently walking through the Book of Jonah, discovering more about God’s compassion for the lost, His mercy on His people, and our call to share the grace we have received with others.  Come join us as we study and apply God’s Word to our daily lives!

Glory Bound Senior Adult Class
(Don Duncan & Gaylord Babb)
Room 106

Presently, we are doing a study of the book of Philippians which includes word study, an application of the Scripture, and a historical background of that time and culture. Join us as together fellowship in God’s Word.

H.I.S. Women
(Kim Rothaus & Lynnie Skeen)
Room 104

Do you need a fresh encounter with God? Are you ready for Him to pour out His grace on the dry, thirsty ground of your heart? In our focus on the needs and failures of those we consider less spiritual than ourselves, and in our drive to perform and to protect our image, we may be missing the heart of the gospel and the grace of Christ. Join our group as we dig in and discuss God’s pathway to freedom, fullness, victory, fruitfulness, and joy. We invite you to visit and experience our heart for the Lord and His Word, our belief in prayer, and our love for one another.

Women of The Word
(Rike Carleton & Peggy Wynn)
Room 107
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelation 2:29. At a time of great persecution and discouragement for the early church when Ceasar Domitian ruled, the powers of darkness seemed to be advancing more than the light. God gives John a vision of His firm control over all powers spiritual and physical. He speaks a word to 7 churches in Asia. What did Jesus say to them? What is He saying to the church today? What does it mean to me personally as a believer?
The Global Class
(Mike & Leann McGee)
Room 409

A unique class for those seeking the truth of God’s Word and those who are believers in Jesus Christ desiring to dig deeper into the Bible. The class is made up of people from around the world, including some from other religions and Americans who enjoy bringing their international friends. This is a safe and friendly environment for all ages.

Wednesday Groups meet at 6:30 pm during the school year. During the late spring and summer months, we give our volunteer teachers a much-needed time of renewal from the regular schedule.

Women’s Bible Study

The next study will be announced in August.


The next study will be announced in August.

2:7 Series

To sign up or ask questions about the next class this fall, email Chip/Cindy, heymac333@gmail.com.

Small Bible Study Groups meet during the school year. During the late spring and summer months, we give our volunteer teachers a much-needed time of renewal from the regular schedule.

(Team of Teachers)
Tuesdays, 6-7 am

The next study will be announced in August.

Women’s Bible Study
(Team of Teachers)
Thursday Mornings, 9:30 am

The next study will be announced in August.

Women’s Bible Study
Darise Hails
Thursday Evenings, 6:30 pm

The next study will be announced in August.