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Students (7th-12th grades)

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm

Location – Youth Room / Café
During the school year 7th –12th students gather on Wednesday nights for a time of worship, teaching and small group discussion. We typically walk through a book of the Bible chapter by chapter trusting that studying God’s Word is the most important thing we can do with our time. Gender specific and age specific small groups allow us to dig deeper and discuss the relevancy of the Word in our daily lives. Each small group has two adult leaders that care for their flock. Wednesday nights also provide the students with a great opportunity to connect with one another. Every fourth or fifth week we do more of a fellowship/activity night to provide students and leaders extended time to develop relationships.

Sundays, 9:00-10:15

After hanging out in the Café, we gather for a time of worship, interactive teaching and table discussions. It’s a great opportunity to examine our beliefs in light of what Scripture says.



Jan 17 2024




Chad "Kicker" Kositzky