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Mission Arlington Trip ’24

 June 9-16

This summer we will head back to Mission Arlington. This is an awesome local missions organization in Arlington, Texas, whose goal is to take the church to the people ( They provide services like: after-school programs, healthcare, childcare, bussing, conversational English, job assistance, food and clothing distribution, Bible studies and apartment churches. While we will be helping with several service opportunities throughout the week, most of our time will be spent serving in their Rainbow Express ministry (i.e., their version of “Backyard Bible Club”).

Mission Arlington typically has nearly 400 Rainbow Express locations across the community each year. Our students and sponsors will divide into groups of 12-15 and go to two apartment complexes each day for four days. Each of our students will play a vital role in leading the Rainbow Express. They will be assigned tasks like: rounding up and inviting the neighborhood children, leading songs, sharing Bible stories and personal testimonies, leading game time and crafts. In assigning student roles we will try to take into account each students readiness and gifting. I am grateful for the opportunity this provides our students with face-to-face ministry with these children and their families. We will also gather with other youth groups that are serving with Mission Arlington for a time of corporate worship and devotion each day.

Cost:  $115 and students will also need for two fast-food meals and any additional snacks they may want each day from a convenience store.
Deadline:  Register by Wednesday, May 22.
What to bring: twin air-mattress, bedding, pillow, water bottle, comfortable modest clothes, sunscreen, personal toiletries, towel, Bible and pen, backpack, Mission Arlington folder.
Training:  Everyone who signs up must attend (if at all possible) the two training sessions scheduled for Wednesday evening May 29 and June 5 from 6:30-8:30pm.
Testimony Worksheet:  All students need to fill out and turn in their testimony to Kicker by Wednesday, May 22. The worksheet will give you several tips on how to write it down. Only a few people will share their testimony while in Arlington but we want every student to take the time to consider their salvation story and how they might communicate it to someone else. There’s more information on the Testimony Worksheet.  If students have questions, we are here to help!





Jun 09 2024 - Jun 14 2024


Chad "Kicker" Kositzky
Memorial Service - Jim DittmerWatch Here