Ron Miller

Project/Event Coordinator

Being a husband, father, and grandfather is a role I cherish greatly. Being a grandfather who points the grandkids to Christ is my new assignment.

“He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” II Corinthians 5:21. I’m very thankful that He took my place and gave me His righteousness. I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

Our family birthday get-togethers throughout the years – playing games, sharing and laughing together – have become special memories and times that I look forward to.

My role at Heritage is serving in the custodial and maintenance area, and also as a deacon and administrative assistant.

God has readied me to serve in the role of deacon, and to come alongside other men to encourage them in their walk with Christ.