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By February 11, 2016March 14th, 2016Ministry, Uncategorized

“ I don’t know anyone, I don’t have any friends at church…”

  Have you ever said those words – or thought them? Friends are valuable, maybe essential to our well-being. Below are some ways ‘friends’ have been described:
• God’s ‘salve’ on your hurts and fears

• Know your ups and downs and still chose to hang out with you

• Someone I can call upon in the middle of the night with a need

• You can tell them anything and they will not repeat it

• They have the loving courage to offer correction when the other is walking outside God’s will

• Faithful in wanting to spend time together

• They make life so much sweeter

• Transparent

• They have taken the time to get to know you

• Shares openly about their own bad days

• Will pray for you NOW

These are the people we all need in our lives, but how do we get them?​

One Sunday as I sat on my back-row pew and watched the people fill the auditorium, I was surprised at how many I actually knew and could call friends. Now I’m just an ordinary ‘Jane’ at church – I have no great and wonderful talents or church position. So how did I acquire these friends? I met them while I scrubbed potatoes (surely hundreds!!) for a church dinner, while I worked as a temporary greeter, and while I helped make snacks for VBS. I also made new friends while doing data entry, making phone calls, and hemming quilts for various church ministries. Currently I’m part of a group of women who color (yes, color – like with fabric pens) labels for the Quilting Ministry. I’ve taken Bible study courses. I attend a Sunday School class (tried several until I found my niche.)

All of these jobs required only limited skills – the only real requirement was someone willing to say, “I can help. I’ll volunteer.” With each new job, each new Bible study, I have met new women who have become my friends. Say, “yes” and you may eventually end up with a church-full of friends and you’ll be able to sit on your pew and watch all your friends come in!

Every church has multiple opportunities to volunteer and make new friends. Take that first step and ask, “How can I help?”

Author Admin

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